Back Again!

Hello Again!

Exams are over and now (to be precise) I have a 1 month and 10days break. Though that includes the registration day. During the holidays, like always I plan to update my blog frequently.

But what encourages me to keep writing is that you follow my blog. There are two ways to do that:

1. You can do that through Google Friend's Connect. (Link is there on the left corner of the screen).

2. You allow me to send you e-mail updates.

Okay. I have been asking a lot of people to do that since I wrote my first post. :P. But you would accept it's only fun writing when there are readers for the content.

As I decided to write this "come back" post, I realized that apart from this post and my first "hello" post, I have just 4 other posts on my blog. I really haven't been writing since I have joined college. That's mainly because I spend a lot of time travelling every day. It took my nearly 2 hrs (one way) to the college. Though the time has reduced to one and half hours with the Metro coming to Noida now.

Just as before I wrote, there is lot of interesting information and experiences to share, I'll be putting that all on my blog.

That's all for now. Keep reading and stay in touch!


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